When the console has booted up, run UlaunchELF, browse files, goto mass:, find the folder you made earlier, run SCUMMVM.ELF, configure ScummVM as you would on a computer, play game. 'Monkey1', copy the required files from your CD/DVDs to the subfolder. 'ScummVM_Games', make a subfolder for whatever game e.g. Make a folder for your games as well e.g.
'ScummVM', unpack the PS2 files in that folder Probably the easiest way is from USB with FMCB, so I'll describe that:. If you don't currently have a method of using homebrew, search for FMCB (Free Memory Card Boot), you'll even find people who will install it for free on your MC. There are many ways of booting homebrew on a PS2 - FMCB, modchip, swap magic, hdloader, etc. Using ScummVM on the PS2 is very similar to using it on a normal computer, the biggest problem is that you must find a way of booting homebrew on your PS2.