Oh yeah, I completely forgot about feud between R and Michael Hollick regarding his voice-over salary which was a tad low as it seems. Yeah he killed people and did bad shit, but as far as life goes he had the potential for the best life after his story was over. He is also a supporting character in Grand Theft Auto IV and The Lost and Damned. Luis always seemed like out of all the GTA protagonists, had his shit together. 1920x1080px Luis Lopez 1. Luis Fernando Lopez is the playable protagonist of GTA IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony.1920x1200px video, Games, Grand, Theft, Auto, Niko, Bellic, Artwork, Gta, San, Andreas, Grand, Theft, Auto, Vice, City, Grand, Theft, Auto, V, Tommy, Vercetti, PC, Games, Gta, V, Carl, Johnson, Luis, Lopez, Grand, Theft HD wallpaper.1920x1144px Gta Iv By Dimitroncio - Ballad Of Gay Tony Luis Lopez HD wallpaper.